January Spiritual Practice – Prayer

Prayer is one great way that we can hear from God – He is with you & would love to have a conversation with you.

by CTK Bellingham

Individual Prayer

Pick 3 times this week to spend a few minutes in prayer. If you are comfortable spending the time talking to God about whatever comes to mind, you can do that. Find a quiet place to be for a few minutes, and just talk to God about how you are doing and what you are doing right now. Share with him about your life! 


We focus on God’s supremacy by praising him for who he is and thanking him for what he has done.



We take time for personal confession and repentance. We reflect and listen for what his Spirit is teaching us or speaking to us. 



We ask Jesus to teach us how to pray for others. We ask him to meet our needs and the needs of those around us. 

It's common to hear Christians offer to pray for one another, which is called intercession. Intercede means "to intervene on behalf of another." Intercession isn't just making a wish on someone's behalf or trying to get God to pay attention to something that he's missed or ignored. As with all prayer, we are talking to a real person — Jesus. With intercession, it's a conversation on behalf of someone else and their situation. When we intercede, we can trust that Jesus knows everything about the other person and what they're going through so we don't have to fill him in on the details. And because he sees the bigger picture that none of us can, our role in intercession is not to tell him what should be done but rather to ask him how to pray for them. 

Here are some questions to ask God when interceding for someone or about something:

  1. God, what do you want for (person/situation) in this?  
  2. Jesus, where are you already at work in this situation and how can I get in agreement with that?
  3. Holy Spirit, I know you are already interceding for (person/situation) (Romans 8:27). How can I join you in that prayer? 


Tags: prayer, pray, disciplines, spiritual practices

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