

Serving at CTK is a great way to give back some of your time to God, be part of the church's mission, and make new friends. To get started, please fill out a Volunteer Interest Form and return it to Reception or the Connection Point. Check out some of the opportunities below for more information.

Title of Highlighted Team or Event

Bellingham Use this space to highlight a story. This can be a team that is looking for new volunteers, a past event, or a testimony of life change after joining a team. Nam, ut paulo ante docui, augendae voluptatis finis est doloris omnis amotio. Quae diligentissime contra Aristonem dicuntur a Chryippo.

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CTK Kids

Before the age of 12, 80% of people make the decision to follow Jesus for the rest of their lives. Come make a major impact in changing a family's "forever" by serving kids and families at CTK. Whether you want to serve every week or just...

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The safety team's primary job is not only to identity potential safety issues before they become a distraction, but to do that in a way that honors every person as a child of God.

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We believe that encountering Jesus is an experience – God has given us creativity to tell the greatest story ever told through lighting, sound, video.

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