We arrived in Kona in July 2013, leaving behind family, friends, church, job, house, etc in Lynden, WA. It wasn’t an easy decision – the comfortable choice would have been the status quo, but we knew God was tugging at our hearts to return to YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Our primary focus here at the Kona base is to serve the campus in the area of finance and stewardship, both operationally and with the various training schools that are run by YWAM Kona year round. Click here to learn more about YWAM’s entry level school, the Discipleship Training School (DTS).
Paul serves as a finance trainer for the campus, and sits on the Finance Working Group and CFO teams. His role is one of stewarding YWAM resources. By being faithful stewards in the area of finance, a subject Jesus talked about a lot, the campus and its program are becoming even more fruitful. And the end result is more missionaries, better outreaches, and a greater impact on the mission field. We love being involved with YWAM Kona; to see young people come and be discipled during their Kona lecture phase. Then, to see these same young people go out into the nations, and proclaim the good news of Jesus to a lost and hurting world.