Small Groups

Our small group ministry exists to create authentic Christian community that works for you. Small groups provide opportunities for face-to-face connection, a sense of family, a place for people to belong and opportunities to serve. Find out how to join a small group.


Stand Firm

Men, are you struggling with poor personal choices that are damaging your relationships and your life? Join us to gain understanding, skills and the support you need to find freedom. Learn More 

Huddle Small Groups

Groups of men meeting weekly or twice a month for fellowship, study and prayer. Contact Ron Walton for more information.

Find a Mentor

To help young men live God-centered lives and fulfill their potential, we offer one-on-one mentoring where younger guys can be mentored by a seasoned, mature, and godly man. You don’t have to navigate this road alone. In fact, you were never meant to. If you’re age 19–40, we encourage you to consider being mentored.

Become a Mentor

Are you a guy who’s been walking with Jesus for a while? Are you willing to be open with your victories and challenges? Consider being a mentor! Having seasoned, experienced believers come alongside less-experienced ones is the biblical model for spiritual maturity. There’s a young man right now who needs the guidance you could give. Volunteer today!

To learn more, email Stan or call him at 360-739-2457.


We are ordinary women from all walks of life. Some of us have a passion to know and love God deeper. Others are just exploring this whole "God thing." Young or old; daughters, moms, grandmothers; married, divorced or single, working inside the home or out - there is a seat at the table for you.

Find a Mentor

Is there a woman in your life that asks the tough questions, encourages you in your faith, and speaks the truth in love when you need correction? Where do you go for advice when you struggle? A mentor can help you grow in your faith as you share life together through authentic, purposeful relationship. Our mentor program is currently full. If you are interested in being contacted when mentors become available, please complete a Mentor Interest Form.


If you or someone you know has experienced the hurt of a past abortion, Arms of Love is a safe place where you can receive understanding, help and healing. This small group is led by women who have experienced abortion themselves, but now have discovered God’s forgiveness, acceptance and love.

"I was afraid to tell anyone about my abortion, particularly women in my church. It was so freeing to participate in the program and talk through all that I had been feeling with other women that could relate to my experience."

For more information about Arms of Love, please contact Stephanie at the Whatcom County Pregnancy Clinic by email or call 360-671-9057. All calls and contacts are confidential. Resources for men are also available.

If you are interested in joining the 12-week course, please contact Barb at Whatcom County Pregnancy Clinic. 

Become a Mentor

Jesus modeled discipleship through life-on-life relationship. That's what women's mentoring is all about. We want to pair women who have an established relationship with Jesus with women who are earlier in their faith journey. Through real relationship, mentors will lead another woman deeper in her faith by sharing life together, talking about the stuff that really matters, and helping mentees discover next steps in their spiritual journey. You don't have to have it all figured out to be a mentor. If you've taken the Spiritual Health Assessment and found yourself at Walk or Run in most categories, we'd love to show you how you can be a catalyst in another woman's life. Contact Cassy with questions. 

Days For Girls

What if not having sanitary supplies meant days without school, days without income, days without leaving the house? Girls use leaves, mattress stuffing, newspaper, corn husks, rocks, anything they can find...but still miss up to 2 months of school every year. It turns out this issue is a surprising but instrumental key to social change for women all over the world. The poverty cycle can be broken when girls stay in school.

The women of CTK are coming together to make feminine hygiene kits for girls all around the world. There are several ways to help and/or donate supplies. Contact   or click for more information.


At Christ the King we care about your marriage. That’s why we are here to support and encourage you on the journey. Whether you’re newly engaged or approaching your golden anniversary, whether you’re living marital bliss or struggling to make it another day, we hope the resources you find here will help equip, strengthen, and encourage your relationships. Please Note: All in-person meetings, classes, and gatherings are postponed until further notice.

Mended Ministries

No marriage is beyond the reach of God’s ability to heal and restore. Even when it feels hopeless. If you were inspired by the story of Rick & Tiffany Bulman during our weekend services on May 9/10, be sure to check out Mended Ministries. On their web-site you will find their book, Mended, their new video study, 7 steps to turn your marriage around in 7 days, and information on couples coaching from Rick and Tiffany.

The Art & Science of Love

Looking for practical principles and research-based methods to connect deeper, understand better and navigate conflict? The Art & Science of Love is based on the book 7 Principles of Making Marriage work and more than 20 years of research conducted at the University of Washington. John Gottman is considered one of the leading marriage experts in the world. This self-paced on-line workshop can help couples just starting out, needing a refresh, or even those who feel on the verge of giving up. Please note this is excellent research-based help, but it is not faith-based. Some opinions expressed are not shared by Christ the King Community Church. This can also be an excellent resource for couples where one or both spouses are not believers. 


Sometimes the challenge we face in marriage are rooted in hurts and coping skills that began before the couple ever meets. In his book Reconnect, Dr. Call explains that when we become aware of the myriad of factors that contribute to disconnection, we can develop new understanding and strategies that promote deeper connection and healing interaction. You can purchase it on Amazon by clicking here.

Wedding Officiating

Congratulations if you've recently become engaged. Marriage is God's good idea to join a husband and a wife for a lifetime. Did you know premarital counseling or classes can reduce the chances of divorce by 31%? Since your marriage is the most important human relationship you'll ever have, CTK requires premarital prior to your wedding. We regularly offer classes & workshops. Talk to your officiant for more information.

The following CTK pastors may be available to perform weddings: Derek Archer, Ryan Ervin, Melonie Kemp, Garret Shelsta, Wendy Powell, Frank Talbot, Brian Steele, Charles Molenkamp, Brian Behrends, Angel Finsrud, Julie Burleson, Ron Walton, Steve Thompson, and Kevin Brearley. If you would like any of these pastors to perform your wedding please fill out this Wedding Officiant Request Form. Officiating includes: 1-2 meetings with pastor for ceremony planning, rehearsal, wedding ceremony and filing of your marriage documents; pastoral fees vary. Please note our pastors require couples to engage in premarital preparation. If you are looking for suggestions or referrals, we would be happy to assist you. Please contact Missy with questions.

Using a CTK Facility

If you would like to use Christ the King Church facilities for your wedding, please fill out a Facility Rental Request and someone will follow up with you shortly!


Easter Celebration Family Activity Kit

Easter is just too big of a deal to contain in one day. So, this year, we want to equip your family to engage in interactive experiences the week before Easter and then celebrate the resurrection all week long. We've put together a kit full of ideas from simple to more complex, from 5 minute touch points to more immersive experiences. We've even provided almost all the supplies.

Pick up your kit the weekends of March 20/21 & March 27/28 or you can pick up a kit from reception, 9am - 4pm March 22-25. Check back here soon to sign up for your kit!

2 Classes followed by a Dedication Ceremony offered 2-3 Times a Year

When it comes to raising our kids, the list of responsibilities is long. But nothing we do is more important than pointing them toward Jesus. Child dedication at CTK is about helping you demonstrate your desire and commitment to do just that. Join other families with young children for two class sessions that will prepare you to dedicate your child to God — and yourself to godly parenting.

The class culminates with a dedication ceremony; invite your friends and family to celebrate with you and pledge their support in your commitment to your child. For more information, please complete a child dedication interest form.

Like CTK Families on Facebook and sign up for CTK Families text messages.* You'll receive no more than two text messages a week with information on upcoming events, links to great content, and an occasional shot of encouragement, 'cause let's face it, parenting can be hard! (Carrier rates may apply) 

Sign Up Now 

Feel free to email Pastor Angel or Marissa with any questions you have.